Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Missing Integral Otherworldly Recognition to Evolve an Integral Civilization

According to Integral Theory, to live well in the modern world we need an ORANGE altitude or way of valuing, self-identifying, thinking. To live ecologically on the planet we need a more GREEN egalitarian altitude. To start living beyond dichotomies in a complex interconnected world we need a TEAL (initial level integral) altitude and beyond. The dysfunction we see in the political world today may be largely caused by a predominance of AMBER and RED altitudes in political leaders and the electorate. Those are, respectively, ethnocentric and self-promoting ways of understanding reality and relationships when, at a minimum, most of the electorate and leaders should at least be on a modern ORANGE, initially worldcentric, facts-based altitude. Thus, the majority of the population could well be "out of phase," so to speak. The concept of "altitudes" itself derives from a combination of multiple research findings conducted by developmental psychologists.
Altitudes have to do with our predominant self-identities and interpretive capacities. Individuals blend altitudes but are supposed to have a predominant one. How many perspectives we are able to embrace with emotional comfort would depend on how inclusive our altitude is. Our political and exopolitical attitudes and responses to official and/or grassroots disclosure would depend on our altitudes. 
To begin to understand benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations that want to relate more openly but are prevented from doing so by our altitudes and levels of awareness; to begin to more openly interact with them on various capacities-aspects (more on equal terms than as 'primitives' or as "immature children with dangerous toys"), we would possibly need an initial-level multi systemic TEAL and/or a highly integrative, subtle energies- comfortable, TURQUOISE altitude. But those (and even ORANGE and GREEN) altitudes would also have to be accompanied by a sufficient understanding and acceptance of a plurality of physical and non-physical, multi-level realities and how these may interact. Moreover, we would need to understand and value what is important and truth-based in AMBER altitude understandings in order for this segment of the human population to participate more constructively after Disclosure. These are MAJOR historical challenges but postponing them indefinitely would likely freeze social and cultural adaptation and dangerously bequeath management of a complex extraterrestrial presence into the hands of divisive mentalities.
However, only 3-5 % of individuals may be on a TEAL altitude in the Developed World and we are seeing cultural wars all over due to the predominant AMBER altitude in the U.S. and the rest of the world. However, some political leaders reflect an ORANGE, reason-based, facts-based altitude and some (gaining the upper hand due to a recent backlash) reflect mostly AMBER and RED altitudes in which beliefs trump facts. However, there's a necessary connection with the sense of the Sacred in Amber that needs to remain. Also, tribal connectivity to all natural and simultaneously spiritual realities and elements should not be dismissed/neglected in ORANGE and other altitudes. Connectivity needs to be preserved.
Collectively, we need Disclosure of the ET presence to evolve but it would challenge us all and, most of all, AMBER and RED altitude experiencers of life. The other main challenge for all "altitudes" would be to accept our interconnecting relations between physical and non-physical existence as well as various "densities" or intermediate realities. A skewed acceptance of this connectivity is somewhat present in Red, Amber, a few Orange and some Teal and more inclusive altitudes.
Most, even in integrative altitudes (TEAL and higher), reject the otherworldly or are uncomfortable with it or aren't interested in it. It is a major flaw in any non-reductionist, transdisciplinary, meta theoretical attempt to create an inclusive, transformative, healing worldview capable of enlightening humanity, reconnecting it with Source and Cosmos. We can do it but we need to be much more highly inclusive. Integral Theory's patterns offer many useful clues (pieces of the puzzle) on how the Cosmos manifests arising from Source. But as we move from altitude to altitude we shouldn't lose direct experiential awareness that physical reality is not the only one or else our understanding will be even more partial and distorted. Without the otherworldly, without the multi-level connectivity arising from sacred Source and its patterns, the healing role of Integral is incomplete.
Integral Theory deals with single and collective aspects of experiential and objective expressions in body, mind, spirit. It gives us some important clues as to how subjects and things manifest, understand and organize in relations building up on a "part-whole," relational unit called the “holon.” It brings together aspects of reality previously deemed incommensurable or impossible to connect logically. A an organizing principle, it is something and simultaneously its complementary opposite. It relates subjectivity and matter in individual and plural events, all arising from One Source of Consciousness and Being.
Then again, further developments partially based upon Integral Theory (like Lexi Neale’s “AQAL Cube”) can assist us with even further clues on how physical and non-physical realities may relate and I think that this is also fundamentally important, not as an escapist approach but to learn to truly accept how everything and how all of us are truly related.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Perhaps elements of Vedic Science can come together with elements of Western, Quantum Physics to try to understand how some inter-reality processes can occur or be harnessed.





An interaction and interpenetration and mutual immanence between THREE MAIN PRINCIPLES expressing these realms also OCCURS. The Subtle Realm would be in a RAJASIC (active) state with respect to the Gross Physical worlds of the Rupa Loka. The so-called "etheric" template would be an intermediate, quiescent but potential state (a  SATTVIC state) containing all the potentials and information for every physical level or universe in the RUPA LOKA. The overall ETHERIC as it relates to a specific physical world would be what we conceive as  a quantum potential aspect and (complementing it) as specific quantum probabilities, including retrocausal information and influences. But all physical possibilities for all specific physical universes and timelines would be of the non-physical ARUPA LOKA realm.

The non-physical Arupa Lokas sub-realms would contain and trascend the physical causal and retrocausal information and influences, cancelling them out and expressing its "TALAS" or objective exterior materiality as an IMAGE. A different kind of understanding of what is "material" operates here. In the non-physical, ARUPA LOKA SUBTLE REALM "Time" and "Space" adapt to subjective experience as much as influence it in equal measure.

The Rupa Lokas would be defined by Tamasic (inertial) states and limit the causal effectiveness of subjective experience to various degrees according to physical density. Exerting consciousness-based information control on the 'etheric' patterns and quantum probabilities (likely connected with zero point energies and holographic information) would assist technologically advanced extraterrestrials to materialize or dematerialize into and  out of our particular physical universe, density and timeline located in the overall RUPA LOKA.
By Giorgio Piacenza

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Scientifically Acceptable Hypothesis that Some UFOs Are Otherworldly

The Scientifically Acceptable Hypothesis that Some UFOs Are Otherworldly
Giorgio Piacenza

Before thinking integrally about the extraordinary, it should at least have been rationally approved as genuine under modern, scientific thinking...

Introductory Remarks

Can it be validly asserted in a rigorous scientific manner that some UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial and-or of otherworldly intelligent origin? Is this an eternally ‘preposterous’ statement mostly because of psychological and sociological forces or is there already sufficient evidence to merit this affirmation scientifically?

Pierre-Simon La Place’s allegedly affirmed the adage that “the weight of evidence for an extraordinary claim must be proportional to its strangeness.” Off course, what constitutes “strangeness” for some may not constitute the same for another and what is valued as “extraordinary evidence” may depend on inadequate or adequate biases. However, accepting La Place’s adage at face value (an adage rephrased and made popular by the famous and inspiring cosmologist and exobiologist Carl Sagan in 1986), we do seem to have enough of such evidence to posit in a scientific manner not only that some genuine UFOs MAY BE extraterrestrial but also that they ARE extraterrestrial.

However, most scientific, academic and cultural leaders in positions of power or in need to maintain their work and status stubbornly hold on to established theories and to a metaphysics of materialism, mechanicism, positivism mostly suitable to phenomena limited to a classic physical world and inimical to the fraction of UFOs which after careful research continuous being truly anomalous. They dare not take a careful, unbiased study of the best evidence considering it with the necessary fresh eyes of awe and wonder required of scientists.  UFOs are especially controversial if mind is somehow involved in the physical effects, if they remind us of magic, if the discovery that we are not alone in the universe has long come and gone, if macro-scale quantum events are displayed apparently annulling inertial forces and gravity modifying space-time.

Ostensibly scientists love evidence over speculation but the key issue here is that they seem to abhor the extraordinary if the extraordinary lies outside the also beautiful and enthralling material world that can be mechanistically interpreted. Thus, the extraordinary can often be easily dismissed. However, a more challenging form of the “extraordinary” exists along with its undeniable concomitant evidence.

Accepting that some of those genuine “anomalies” (perhaps 1% to 5% of carefully researched UFO cases if researched under classic biases) comes with so much evidence that it genuinely demands scientific attention may also be too hot of a “potato” to handle and there’s the understandable fear of not knowing what will happen if one risks calling a naked emperor “naked.” What is available for scientific judgment would not simply be a “residue” from which unwarranted conclusions are being drawn because that “residue” (even one case) can be highly indicative of a serious anomaly in our conventional views. On the other hand, the number of cases admissible as genuinely unexplained could be much larger if considered under a less deconstructive methodology. But accepting the evidence is a “catch-22” inside the scientific “priesthood.” Accepting as genuine the anomalies provided by an ever-increasing piling up of a variety of evidence from UFO research, observations, experiences and inductive implications would be  empirically based and inductively honest in terms of how science should operate but it would nonetheless evidence that the materialist, positivist, mechanicist edifice cannot remain unchallenged.

But, simultaneously, inside the “priesthood” scientists risk ridicule, demotion, ostracism, denial of funding. They may even secretly fear never to be taken seriously again and to undergo an eventual “ex-communication” and in such environment there’s – understandably - little room for the truly extraordinary. Unfortunately, in spite of advances in quantum physics (already slowly challenging some cultural foundations) there seems to be little time left to spare as doing it may only increase destruction and conflict by not recognizing the complex, self-organizing patterns of an ever-surprising, highly interconnected world. There’s little time to keep holding on to the erroneous but entrenched-atavistic illusion of essential disconnection and dichotomous thinking without peril. I take it that we urgently need to start sensing, understanding and feeling that “the world” and all sentient beings in it also holographically exist within us beyond any spacetime distance and disconnection.

And the “priesthood” normally supportive of (and supported by) the broader cultural-political system is still another human social institution derived from an outmoded but ingrained and manipulative excessively generalized “win-lose” mindset and its associated power play. Within its boundaries, the value of “truth” and the “spirit of science” often becomes a lip-service metaphor in the current “publish or die” competitive system typically geared toward the chase of tenure, recognition and-or significant corporate or government funding.  

But people want to know and, if more information on the best available evidence gets out widespread past the walls of information barriers and selective information processing, cognitive dissonance is bound to rise in the scientific and human heart. Moreover, empirically verifiable truth (even if repeating itself without a clear pattern over time) has a way to assert itself by incessantly bringing back into clarity both human consciousness and conscience. In other worlds, denial has limits. Especially in the case of truly anomalous UFOs, the international weight of collectively accumulated evidence is piling up to such a degree that it’s turning both simplistic attitudinal denial, intellectual posing and overt or covert suppression into feeble-minded props increasingly unable to sustain the conventional edifice.

In the end, we’ll be collectively forced to take an “honest-to-God” look at the unique but persistently obvious, doing it with interest, awe and “fresh eyes,” weighing as much of the “Grade A” evidence about the reality, uniqueness and importance of the interactive phenomenon; self-removing the veils imposed by ill-disposed social forces, attendant, closed-minded premises and incompatible theories which must, after all, evolve.

But can we really do it? Is the UFO phenomenon too strange for us to cognitively apprehend and manage? Will an honest attempt to do it lead to another round of social strife and chaos? I believe in human resilience and the capacity to face – first and foremost - the facts. Within us there ought to be a deeper CAPACITY TO ADAPT even to aspects of reality which transcend classic thinking patterns.

Most fundamentally, we can recognize that something REAL (even if challenging and strange) is going on and respond beyond our half-baked, old-fashion reactions into more intelligent and conscious responses that may feed back into the phenomenon co-opting it to evolve. Perhaps, if we become more proactive and aware that our thinking patterns are ineffective (ending our rather general indifference and-or denial) we may (as notable researcher Jacques Vallée suggested) be able to modify through our own feedback the cybernetic control or “steering” mechanism behind the physically-interactive, but also rather “ambiguous” and “cryptic” meaning of most of today’s truly anomalous UFO event (now elusively impinging upon our minds and civilization as if asking from us a more intelligent response arising from the choice of growing up and becoming aware).

Perhaps the event needs us to rise to the challenge. The truly anomalous UFO experience is probably beckoning us to respond to it differently from what is customary and it may be doing it from a realm outside of our stubborn, self-complacent and increasingly dangerous organizations based on outmoded time-forward, entropy-increasing, linear, conscious modes of thinking, feeling, being. Besides coming to terms with a basic recognition of a percentage of truly anomalous UFO reality (any percentage will do), the capacity to adapt to this non-ordinary reality may already exist within our bodies, our minds and consciousnesses through the inner quantum universe we participate in, a realm located in a higher order, “topology” and type of symmetry connecting “objects” with our unconscious minds in a meaningful, non-linear way, both retrocausally and atemporally; a non-local and metaphysically prior realm subjacent to any need to “make sense” of sensorial phenomena just through classic, bio - psychological predispositions. Quite likely, the mental realm of experiential possibility may be “transdimensionally” used via the inter phasing of quantum reality to affect physical probabilities and our unconscious minds are already connected with it.

In other words, we are likely to have the wherewithal, the need and, through the UFO phenomenon (among other reality-challenging phenomena) the spur cajoling us to open our eyes, shift the probabilities by gaining information, and discovering how we participate in a vaster multiverse of profound meaning and connectivity. What we should definitely stop doing is hiding time and again under the sheets, holding on to an “us vs. them” self-protective, fear-based mentality, laughing at the accumulating evidence, hoping that the emergent reality will go away.

Just as when upon delaying when to observe and to gain information (from our particular space-time perspective) from electrons that have already moved through slits as waves we can retrocausally affect their prior state, we may be subtly interacting with an intelligent quantum-like phenomenon whose reality (as probabilities from our perspective) may retrocausally change and become defined for us when we are able to observe its particulate, spacetime aspect. While still physically interactive with our physical system, generally-speaking, the “genuine UFO” may still be physical in its own right but in a distinct level of reality which could be in more of a quantum mechanical state in contrast with ours. In fact, that “quantum state” (quantum stage?) difference may be why interactions are elusive, sometimes conclusive for some and often leaving considerable margins for doubt for many.

Because of currently subtle or non-complete interactions still leaving doubt on large segments of humanity on a collective scale the phenomenon’s original probable states may only minimally change upon interactions with some of us. Its reality is simultaneously physical, liminal and imaginal. As a corollary there may not yet be “absolute, collective proof” of a non-classic, “hyper physical” and/or “transdimensional” intelligent phenomenon slowly but surely interacting with humanity by various means or… there may indeed be that at least for some of us as (unlike certain circumstances change) the interaction is meant to be in preliminary interactive stages. Nonetheless, conceptually-speaking, (extrapolating Gödel’s incompleteness theorems beyond second order arithmetic) there may not even be (using classical, two-valued, excluded middle logic) “absolute proof” about any phenomenon whatsoever in terms of classic scientific thinking based on classic logic. However, I think that there is “sufficient proof” from a rational perspective even if at present our recognizing it eludes us due to the social forces and attachment to inimical theories, worldviews and paradigms insisting on the narrow use of our not-to-adequate, bio-psychologically predisposed predispositions.

Even so, because the reasonable aspects of our minds and the intuitive extend over and beyond the strictly excluded middle-dependent, “rational” (corresponding to a classic two-value logic), through experience and accumulated, pattern-producing information, we can also validly work with scientifically reasonable assumptions (as scientists do all the time in spite of implications extrapolated from Gödel’s incompleteness theorems) stating that we already have sufficient bona fide evidence intuiting the scientifically valid hypothesis that some UFOs not only are scientifically interesting but also examples of an advanced, “otherworldly” science.

Subtleties about Evidence

Following a strict procedure to classify “UFOs,” after adequate, careful, objective research and evaluation, only some of them can be sufficiently confirmed in a sufficiently scientific manner as truly “anomalous” or – technically- as genuine UFO’s. This understanding corresponds to astronomer J. Allen Hynek’s basic endorsement that UFOs can be objectively deemed as such only after experts capable of making an unbiased determination have carefully looked at the evidence not being able to find a prosaic explanation. Speaking before a United Nations ad hoc committee in 1978 he summarized that definition as “any aerial or surface sighting, or instrumental recording (e.g., radar, photography, etc.) which remains unexplained by conventional methods even after competent examination by qualified persons.” Thus, for Hynek a “UFO” (an acronym created by Captain Edward Ruppelt, director of Project Grudge and Project Blue Book from 1951 to 1953) is not simply an unknown or unidentified flying object as is the case under a lax popular understanding.

It is clear in a strict sense that not all unidentified objects in the sky are UFOs because they have not been carefully studied by qualified experts that could not truthfully, carefully and objectively find a suitable conventional explanation. It is also clear that only some UFOs could be extraterrestrial in origin but a non-analytical, popular understanding often automatically confuses the acronym “UFO” with “extraterrestrial spaceship (or vehicle).” This is why many serious researchers and official Air Force teams in the world now prefer to use other equivalent terms.

Cases corresponding to Hynek’s strict definition could generally be in the “D2” sub-category among the “PAN” cases accumulating in the files of France’s official GEIPAN committee (“PAN” being an acronym meaning “Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifies” or “Unidentified Aero Space Phenomena” or “UAP’s” in the English language and “FANIs” “Fenómenos Aéro Espaciales No Identificados” in Spanish).  

GEIPAN (Groupe d'Études et d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux non Identifiés or in English “Unidentified Aerospace Phenomenon Research and Information Group”) is a unit of the French Space Agency “CNES” and categorizes its types of “PAN” cases as “A” “B” “C” and “D.” While GEIPAN’S “D” category of cases (also subdivided into “D1” and “D2” types) correspond to an “unexplained” amount of 22% of the total number, of these, only “D2” cases present multiple kinds of highly consistent evidence. The latter “D2” cases typically correspond to 1%-3% of the total number cases received after people have been willing to fill out a questionnaire and analysts have had the time to evaluate to the best of their possibilities and under their particular ways of accepting or dismissing information and evidence.

However, while GEIPAN doesn’t officially discard the (intelligent and technologically advanced) “Extraterrestrial Hypothesis,” strictly-speaking, even some of these “D2” cases may or may not be indicative of actual intelligent extraterrestrial and-or technically advanced (perhaps “transdimensional”), “otherworldly” events and, moreover, not just the remaining “D1” cases but also cases assigned to other categories (some of the “C” cases – about 41% - presenting non-ordinary characteristics but for which there is insufficient information may also well be truly anomalous even if after careful evaluation they cannot be objectively categorized as such.  Furthermore, even a small fraction of the approximately 28% of cases categorized as “B” cases (those with information mainly - but not definitely - supporting a prosaic explanation or the “null hypothesis” against the more popular “extraterrestrial hypothesis”) may be truly anomalous cases. Finally, none of the cases assigned to the “A” category (about 9%) can be considered “anomalous” because they are the ones that have been entirely and conventionally explained.

The official French research GEIPAN was previously called “SEPRA” and before that (beginning in 1977) “GEPAN” an – as of today – has been an effort spanning some 38 years. In 1999 the (technically- speaking) non-official "Committee for In-Depth Studies" (COMETA) formed by high-level analysts, scientists, and military closely associated with the Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense, SEPRA and the French Space Agency (CNES) concluded that the best explanation for some Unidentified Aero Space Phenomena (UAP’s) was the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.  Technically-speaking, it was not the “French Government” or an official institution in that government adopting such a more unequivocal position but – as far as I can tell - within that government (represented in these matters by GEIPAN), that hypothesis is simply not officially discarded but is (albeit non-stridently) positively considered among the possibilities. The same may be said of Chile’s CEFAA, Uruguay’s CRIDOVNI and Peru’s DIFAA. It makes no sense to dismiss a genuine POSSIBILITY because it is strange but unlike COMETA and particular researchers (like me) they normally take a more conservative and prudent public stance until evidence is truly extraordinary.

The Fine Line

The term “otherworldly” reminds us of past superstitions accepted on faith and tradition; of unproven assumptions from which science and a segment of humanity’s evolutionary “leaders” emerged out from only a few centuries ago. Nonetheless, through quantum physics, scientifically careful paranormal and parapsychological research and the findings of conventional, “bona fide” sciences like astrobiology, the “intelligentsia” and people considered to be “educated” are once again gaining respect for that term. We are gradually coming to understand that other realities besides our ordinary physical world may exist and –instead of being validated mainly by experience and tradition – can also be scientifically validated. Thus, we are moving back spiral-like into a non-mechanistic, non-reductionist, “re-enchantment” of the world under a more integrative and evolved perspective. 

There’s a fine line between admitting and stating that – rationally-speaking - SOME UAP phenomena MAY be of advanced ET and/or “otherworldly” origin and – also rationally- speaking - stating that the most RATIONAL EXPLANATION (among several) is that they ARE of advanced ET and/or otherworldly origin. The latter is usually summarized as the “ETH” (extraterrestrial hypothesis) historically associated with a “nuts & bolts” approach but it is becoming increasingly clear that that physicalist approach can be expanded to include a physically interactive “inter dimensional” hypothesis, or even macro-scale, quantum, retrocausal, information-based, space-time manipulating hyper dimensional –multidimensional and-or extradimensional, possibilities. The latter also is my working hypothesis.

Agreeing with the high-level French committee known as “COMETA” (one acting quite independently as an ad hoc committee which – technically speaking – was not under the direct control of the French Government or a unit thereof), I contend that indeed the ETH has been sufficiently substantiated as the most plausible EXPLANATION which can be considered as a perfectly valid scientific hypothesis. In fact (also technically-speaking), general agreement is not required to emit a genuine and valid scientific opinion and hypothesis. Neither is a degree of voluntary reproducibility of a phenomenon easily applicable (as in a lab performing a classic physics experiment) to every INTELLIGENT PHENOMENON which may require a more intimate degree of interaction with researchers for that to happen.

Our approach on how to conduct valid science is not rigidly set in stone. Concepts about what is a genuine scientific approach and about an ideal “scientific method” evolve and sometimes supplementary, (but not always necessary) ideas are included such as the more post-modern, constructivist idea that there has to be general consensus and acceptance from the power elites and major cultural players for any scientific hypothesis or explanation to be “real.” But the latter idea applies more for science to have societal effects, to be acknowledged and be influential in social reality but – in my view - not for the essential practice of science per se. How in the world would we have ever flown airplanes or reached outer space if we had waited for respectability and scientific consensus?

Did Galileo have to wait for a consensus of reasonable and impartial scientists and Church representatives to look through his telescope before accepting the Copernican theory over Aristotelian-Ptolemaic theory based on his own observations? No, he was conducting perfectly adequate science even if doing it by himself.

It is crucially in the practice of actual individual scientists that hypotheses can be scientifically considered as sufficiently validated. It is when science is well-practiced that counts. So the ETH can really not just be considered as a valid and admissible scientific hypothesis, but also one that (for at least some accredited scientists and critical thinking individuals with a scientific approach) has been sufficiently demonstrated in a genuine scientific manner to posit that it best explains a fraction of UFO and UFO-related events. This is equivalent to proposing that an actual intelligent extraterrestrial presence is showing up on Earth.

This, without the need for general consensus from a bureaucratized community apparently set on demonstrating Thomas Kuhn’s thinking about resistance to “scientific revolutions” through an early acknowledgement of a paradigm’s insufficiency. Thus, it is not necessary to wait for ample consensus for the correct recognition of a hypothesis as being the most adequate. Moreover, rigid materialist scientifist approximations to science are losing their grip and evidence that was previously considered as irrelevant may now be considered useful from an integrative perspective aware and inclusive of the importance of subjectivity and inter subjectivity.

And what about Karl Popper’s “falsifiability?” Well, if the ETH is not a valid hypothesis in relation to UAPs it should eventually be found after consistently working under a more proactive method. It is often said that – due to the elusiveness of the phenomenon not producing a recognizable pattern– it is impossible to prove or disprove the ETH but I beg to differ. It may continue being very difficult to verify or falsify if we continue using an “after the facts” type of research and analysis or if we dismiss going out to the field to increase the chances of an interactive experience with intelligences that may have their own reason for showing up or not.

Based on the testimonies of alleged experiencers/contactees regarding the potential willingness of some extraterrestrial intelligences to communicate and based on the fact that intelligent behavior seems to accompany some UFOs/UAPs, then ways to test the ETH through expediting greater degrees of voluntary interaction can be predicted. Some more credible voluntary conscious physical contactees like Sixto Paz and Steven Greer even provide guidelines to assist us in doing this.


Instead of waiting for another 40 years for more researchers, UFO organizations and official Air Force teams around the world to – once again - conclude (while not discarding the ETH) that indeed a small percentage of the sightings are “unexplainable,” it should be possible (or not but should be seriously tried) to relate more creatively with the phenomenon, to eventually show that an intelligent interaction with ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) can take place or is actually taking place in relation to some UFOs/UAPs. Then, perhaps some of these objects could be called “Identified Extraterrestrial Vehicles” (IEV’s), “Intelligently Directed Extraterrestrial Vehicles” (IDEVs) or so.

Interactive or responsive approaches, signals, communications and maneuvers –even landings - which can be filmed, collectively witnessed, measured from different angles (for instance with electrostatic and magnetic field meters, gamma ray detectors and spectrographic devices) or simultaneously photographed by two cameras a good known distance apart (in order to triangulate a distance from a three-dimensional object assuming no major spatio-temporal distortions throwing calculations off) would be some of the extremely worthwhile efforts ufologists should also increasingly engage in. Seeking ways to generate mutually respectful interactions would be crucial in making an intelligently guided phenomenon more amenable to being verified or falsified.

Why limit research possibilities to a posteriori data analysis? It behooves serious researchers to start this more proactive and experimental phase of seeking to interact with the phenomenon more intimately and intelligently before it takes place, for instance by expanding and perfecting so called “CE-5” initiatives including working with a few bona fide contactees that have shown a reasonable degree of objective and collective evidence of their interactions. We should go out to field work assuming that at least some genuine UFOs are intelligently controlled and that at least some of the intelligences behind these “unknown” objects have a say or choice as per their interactions with us and that that interaction can evolve or change according to how we approach them.

ET Hypothesis-Some Validating Evidence

Essentially, a scientific hypothesis is a proposal useful to start explaining some observed and/or deduced patterns of information. The case for the ETH relies on a vast confluence or significant co-incidence of different types of (‘hard’ and ‘soft’) evidence compatible with the idea of an intelligent otherworldly presence capable of producing non-conventional physical (and subjective-intersubjective) effects through a technology associated with some UFOs reports.

The ETH may even be testable and, in terms of that general guideline called “parsimony, it may be one of the simplest, straightforward proposals best explaining that confluence of evidence. Otherwise, to deny the barrage of evidence would probably require settling in for a statistical Type Two error or inventing complicated to maintain the not fitting illusion of paradigms and worldviews which (in spite of more than 100 years of quantum mechanics) are still heavily influenced by passé forms of materialism and mechanicism. How many times will highly experienced pilots confuse a balloon, a dead fly against the windshield or the planet Venus rising outside of their visual range for a large UFO? How often can electrical plasmas coherently endure for quite some time, follow airplanes and behave intelligently? Are hundreds of credible, credentialed professionals who worked in government projects or witnessed activities pertaining to ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) just making it up, risking their reputations due to a pathological need for attention? If the ETH is correct and interactions can be modified and improved by changing our responses, feedback and input we may be able to gradually acquire more interactive evidence to demonstrate the hypothesis.

Closing our minds to the possibility of intelligent beings capable of a more communicative interaction just because we assume from the start that it would be impossible for them to come from afar or because we assume that they should behave as we would if we were “ambassador-astronauts” is only partially reasonable and is definitely once again clouded by…hubris.

We cannot discount outstanding scientific progress arriving or a possible science capable of sneakily (but not necessarily ill-intended) “transferring” advanced extraterrestrial entities into our reality system, especially when there already are in our midst convergent and promising alternative scientific developments in the works such as the possibility of manipulating spacetime, energy, entropy, mass, inertia, uncertainty, the quantum of action, wave function ‘collapse’ and gravity through 5D theoretical and experimental advances in the Alcubierre Drive, the possibility of modifying the quantum potential perhaps through resonant holographic conjugates and an associated non-local, holographic information field. I understand that all of these emerging concepts may be compatible with each other and with the concept of manipulating the scalar electrodynamic potential and its virtual particle fields. They may also be compatible with the concept of learning to use pre-physical, intention-interacting, interconnected fractal energy-information geometric pathways in the quantum vacuum.     

The Amount of Evidence

The amount of circumstantial evidence, approved photographic and video evidence after analysis, thousands of declassified, well-researched,  sketched, documented and evaluated UFO (or UAP) case files in Air Forces or other government institutions around the world (often describing not just “lights in the sky” but occasional structured objects) cannot be - in all honesty - offhandedly dismissed as poppycock.

The presence of mentally sound witnesses and credible professional witnesses including military, presidents and pilots; the existence of credible former government whistleblowers with verified professional credentials; the analysis of land traces with chemical evidence of soil modification; radar-visual UFO daylight cases, sometimes accompanied by several witnesses and air intercepts and intense interaction (such as the 1980 incident over La Joya Air Force Base in Perú); the mention of strange flying discs in ancient documents (such as in Medieval Japan); verified and plausible official documentary evidence specifically mentioning flying saucers and retrieved aliens; photographs of lenticular and tubular objects dating back at least to the beginning of the XX Century; an ever increasing number of mentally healthy persons (even children) currently reporting interactions and one-way and two-way messages as contactees, abductees and, generally-speaking as “experiencers” is too copious and mutually-reinforcing of an evidence (which sometimes includes photographs, electrical and “paranormal” effects at home, other witnesses) to reasonably dismiss as simply caused by confusion, misperceptions, hoaxes, mental illness or perhaps the need for re-enchantment and magic.

Occasionally individuals (like Daniel Fry) being given tid bits of scientifically plausible knowledge. “Programmed sightings” through voluntary, telepathic “contactees” and/or sensing or somehow knowing in advance when an alleged ET vehicle is about to appear and allowed to be photographed (as in Peter Maxwell Slattery’s case) cannot be discounted. Children and adult descriptions of being taken on-board craft, witnessing a hybridization program, receiving complex information and symbols while interacting with different extraterrestrial species, remembering all kinds of extraterrestrial encounters with and without hypnosis are abundant human facts in the casuistry (for instance in information found in Mary Rodwell and several other hypnotherapist and psychologist’s research). When carefully looked at they cannot simply be discounted as over active imaginations or pathologies. Something real and life-changing seems to be happening to thousands of individuals worldwide.

While each individual type of evidence may not be sufficient, all of the evidence mentioned seems to form an ever-strengthening, Meta evidential, new paradigmatic “edifice” with the otherworldly as a common denominator. This is not a simple return to a magical and/or mythical way of thinking. It is backed by critical thinking, physical evidence and appropriate, emerging theoretical developments like that of “the Quantum Hologram” and what could be termed other “it from bit” approaches to the nature of reality.

Highlighting Three Types of Physical Evidence

MANEUVERING: Natural events usually exhibit position, velocity and acceleration but the complex modification of acceleration is normally (albeit not always) present with intelligence and understood as a cybernetic factor called “control.” Besides “impossible” ‘flight’ characteristics many UFOs (or UAPs) exhibit this factor. Credible witnesses and some verified videos reveal them as stopping, accelerating, going steady and changing direction abruptly. This indicates intelligent guidance.

UNKNOWN MATERIALS such as those obtained by Dr. Roger K. Leir and subsequently analyzed by several respectable laboratories. Even if the small anomalous objects extracted had been of military, industrial complex, “special access,” “unacknowledged,” ultra-compartmentalized “black projects” placed on ordinary citizens not particularly interested in the UFO phenomenon before, how were they created? Why were these found to be advanced nano technological objects, transmitting EM signals and while avoiding rejection from living tissue? 

Large solid objects are sometimes seen suddenly and silently ACCELERATING at exceedingly high Mach rates almost impossible to structurally withstand under Newton’s laws of motion. They are also sometimes seen “DEMATERIALIZING” before sane and credible witnesses. Did they “cloak”? Did they shift to another level in the “fractal-holographic” universe? Where would this technology come from even if it was secretly developed by a power on Earth?

RADAR INVISIBILITY and-or visual invisibility during radar on-screen detection of objects sometimes causing alterations of electrical equipment in electronic equipment, automobiles and airplanes.


Even according to an “either-or,” strictly objective scientific standard there is no absolute proof, only sufficiently strong evidence and UFO/UAP research merits scientifically stating as a plausible hypothesis that there’s sufficient evidence that some UFOs/UAPs are extraterrestrial in some non-conventional kind of “otherworldly” fashion.

If all of this evidence is not simply composed of mistakes, hoaxes or figments of pathological imaginations, there remains the fact that all of it points towards the “non-conventional,” “extraterrestrial” “technologically advanced” and “otherworldly.” Is it a simple “coincidence?” Well, when “coincidences” like these unceasingly increase year after year in agreement with a (however eccentric or avant-garde) hypothesis, that’s a good indication that they are simply validating that hypothesis. Thus, it is perfectly rational and scientific to propose the hypothesis that some UFOs/UAPs are technologically advanced, intelligent, extraterrestrial and – above all - otherworldly.


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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Remembering Greek & Andean Integral Ideas to Sustain an Integral Economy

Some ancient seminal ideas from Earth-respecting traditions – in spite of originating in largely pre-modern stage societies- are still essentially compatible TODAY with Integral Theory and with other integrative approaches. These are integral-level ideas embedded across time within the main cultural-social developmental stages. Apparently, many of these ideas did occur in agrarian economies like those of the Ancient Greeks and the Andean pre-Hispanic.      

Economist Jorge Alberto Montoya Maquin, knowledgeable in Andean cosmology and traditions studied the Quechua language and ancient Greek and wrote a critical translation of “About Economics,the first economic “treatise” written in dialogue style by Xenophon (friend and disciple of Socrates). Apparently, his perspectives originated in a more ancient tradition. Like Socrates’ “Maieutic” (not unlike traditional educational styles in the Andes) Xenophon’s dialogues don’t tell us what to think but elicit moments of discovery and resonant understanding.

Montoya Maquin wrote Económico de Ksénofon: Traducción Crítica, which includes an original translation into Spanish, notes and an interpretive section trying to revive – unlike other modern translations - the cultural context of ancient Greece. The book also compares Xenophon’s ideas with Andean thinking and was published in 2013 by the School of Economists of Lima. It should definitely be translated into English for scholars to re-discover Xenophon’s foundational economic ideas.

Unlike modern Economics focusing on concepts like “scarcity,” “greed,” “competition” and an objectifying “rational” attempt to maximize individual “profit,” Xenophon's thinking represented a synergistic kind of “utilitarian” administration and protection of the goods and entities within an “oikos” ( a “house” or “estate”).  

“Economy” derives from the word “oikos” and “nomos.” The former can be appropriately translated as “house” or as “estate” and the latter as the “norms” which that house or estate follows to maintain its organization and objectives. That “house” would essentially have to be a circumscribed land inclusive of all its living entities and this concept can extend to a country, a village, or to the Earth itself. “Oikos” should also be considered an “autarchy” or self-sustaining organization in a fractal-like relation with other such elements. This in itself reminds me of the concept of “holons” as self-organized, self-organizing systems in relation with other higher level, lower level and same level “holons.”

A well-administered “oikos” would benefit all plants and animals within it while being useful in meeting basic and genuine needs. It would be a “synergistic administration” in current terms and would correlate well with the Andean concept of “living in a good, nourishing, relational way” (“Sumaq Kausay”). The world would also be made of interwoven, functionally independent, yet related “oikos.”.

If components of Andean thinking are “integral-level” and on a par with forgotten Greek foundational concepts in Western civilization, perhaps (as philosopher Edgar Morin hopes) important contributions to “complex” (and integral) thinking can also potentially rise from these once culturally disdained and overlooked components.

Apparently, Xenophon conceived the world much like Andeans did: As “Alive.” He did not say thus explicitly as Andeans but that conception is noticeably implicit in his dialogues. In a sense all that changes (not just animals and plants) is “alive” also because it can actually communicate with us. Moreover, if (like the Andeans) we disclosed the features of the world under their subtle aspects they would also be perceived as “alive.” That would enhance our concepts about “holons” (to include piles and artifacts) and what is – erroneously - considered as an insentient collection of systems called “Gaia” and would probably concur with current quantum information holographic theories. 

In relation to Xenophon and the Andeans, since everything changes, in order to live well we need to demarcate and situate ourselves. “Episteme” referred to delimiting an aspect of experience so as to observe it (in stasis) from outside in order for its inside to reveal meanings at various degrees of depth. It is like relating to the interior meaning of “holons” and - as in the Andes where everything that changes is considered to be “alive” – it is relational, surpassing the simple acquisition of information about something simplistically reduced as an “object.”  Thus all “things” would have a relational-living aspect.

Xenophon also uses the idea of “making a chorus” (a concert) to administer the “oikos” well an “oikos” which must be of benefit to all life within and to humans if they administer it without greed taking only what is needed and useful without waste. This attitude is similar to life within an Andean community or “ayllu” based on the concept of “making pairs” or of connecting two to make three. Besides, the “ayllu” is also considered like an “autarchy” or self-sustaining entity in which (corresponding to Xenophon’s views) people share each other’s work and every person plays multiple converging roles. Poverty in the “ayllu” and the “oikos” essentially means disconnection from others.

If Xenophon had been less misrepresented under modern biases by authors entrenched in a conceptually incomplete modernity he may have influenced modern economic thinking in its formative stages and perhaps our current economic systems would have emphasized more a practical, relational harmony with the life-world while de-emphasizing resource exploitation, scarcity, greed, unending “growth” and competition. Let’s reconnect with this wisdom now to nourish a major change.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Clarifying a “Ken-Fusion”

In Integral Spirituality (2007, pp. 233-234) Ken Wilber basically writes that metaphysical structures/levels described by Plotinus and other metaphysicians now require being defended after modernity's "demand for objective evidence," postmodernity's demand for "intersubjective grounding" and  modernity's plus postmodernity's "critical turn."   In other parts of his "Integral Post Metaphysics" chapter Ken SEEMS to be in favor of "jettisoning" all metaphysical assumptions and-or only those that cannot be demonstrated. What is he really saying? The language may be confusing to the reader not paying attention to the slightest details.

I favor the latter idea that involves thinking of a demonstration of pre-existing involutionary necessary metaphysical levels as I think that there are methods which can be shared (following the advice of modern and postmodern requirements) and used to disclose aspects of those pre-existing realities "out there" even if by doing so we are also co-structuring them in "kosmic addresses" along with our interpretive subjective spaces, mostly according to altitude & method. This can be understood as recognizing ontology while revealing aspects of its reality inextricably through epistemology.  The way Ken's original writings were worded SEEMS to forget, dismiss (or even relegate) ontology and to privilege epistemology, the consciousness with a perspective. This misunderstanding was increased by the phrase circulating here and there that "reality is composed of holons that are perspectives." This seemed to equate holons only with perspectives but should have also been understood as "holons" (or "part-wholes"/wholes which are "parts" of more inclusive "wholes") which are not things or processes but which involve in all of their quadratic expressions ontologically real objects AND perspectives.

However, the sacrosanct historical knowingness (and EVIDENCE) that there indeed are other levels of reality besides the physical (and with which we are also inextricably related) SEEMED to have been offhandedly questioned.   I didn't like how Ken went about trying to bring in a Post Metaphysical "turn" on this issue. I thought he was neglecting evidence on the important existence of other realms which need to be better understood for scientific purposes and to know how/where we are situated in the Kosmic scheme of things. Another source of confusion (Kenfusion?) may be the emphasis on "post-metaphysical levels" conceived of as "forms that have developed in time, evolution and history." This SEEMS to say that non-physical pre-givens do not exist unless disclosed but perhaps the key idea here would be if conceived (strictly) as "post-metaphysical levels."

What Ken doesn't seem to emphasize is that we may have a greater access to experience and interpret/to disclose ontological aspects of the non-physical Subtle and Causal realms, both in an experimental/objective and collective manner. In fact the thre "eyes of knowledge" may function simultaneously in the three realms mentioned by Vedanta if our situated consciousnesses include three bodies suitable to experience these realms. In each realm there will always be exteriors, mental interior relations and the spiritual principle (s). Therefore, we may also have many more ways to access, perceive and disclose the Subtle and Causal realms that co-exist with us and with our own constitution right now.   Therefore, we may also have many more ways to access, perceive and disclose the Subtle and Causal realms that co-exist with us and with our own constitution right now.  

I think that the Ground of Being/Consciousness that Ken refers to (with a big "C") is not epistemic subjective perspective per se but gives rise both to (and in an inextricably linked manner) being and perspective. This takes place when Consciousness (with a big "C") operates within the (three) realms of distinction or duality. Since the word "consciousness" also is specifically used for epistemic perspectives it can be confused with (big "C") Consciousness. 

I would say that epistemology and ontology are inextricable and that what Ken SEEMED to emphasized was the necessary con-struction of metaphysics as per our situated awareness. He didn't actually deny ontology (be it physical or non-physical). However, what I also objected to in previous writings was to think that metaphysical realities necessarily were thought of as static pre-givens. I posited an interplay and relational exchange (under three logics and modes of being) among three main realms of being and knowing referred to in Vedanta and other wisdom systems (including the Quechua-Inca) and I posited that we could consider non detected-non disclosed realities as actual in their own level but as POTENTIAL to our perception/consciousness. I still think that even as "potential" (for us if undetected/undisclosed/uninterpreted) they exist and I think that as "actual" they also possess interiors and exteriors in singular and plural forms albeit with different degrees of intensities that allow inter-realm differentiations, interactions and other forms of relation. 

Discovering how realms relate should be part of the next stages of development of Integral Theory and might even be useful for this Meta theory to become more useful for interpreting quantum mechanical phenomena and phenomena related with the Mind-Body problem, "interdimensional" phenomena and the interpretation of 'critical' evidence steadily accruing on the survival of a situated consciousness after the demise of the physical body.  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Response to Ken Wilber's "Critical Realism Revisited"

My Response to Ken Wilber's "Critical Realism Revisited"

I'm glad Ken Wilber is making it clear that Integral Theory also includes ontology. In fact, epistemology and ontology inseparably. There had been some con fusion and I also fell for it. I fell for thinking that Wilber priviledged epistemology over ontology. The way perspectives were being spoken about seemed to indicate that the subjective and perspectives were being privileged. I already understood that both ontology and epistemology are necessary and that they stem from a deeper level of less dual unity. The post metaphysical stance was also associated with an excessive talk about perspectives and method perhaps at the expense of reality or ontology as such. What confused me most was the lack of acknowledgement of non physical realities as if they didn't exist because they were not perceived or didn't matter because they could not be disclosed with a shared method and interpreted under a certain altitude (which off course is not true).

But in this discussion we must refine the understanding of what holons are: Not things or processes but wholes that are parts of larger wholes. When talking about "holons" are we also speaking about the metaphysical categories of UNITY, DIVISIONS and their RELATION? Are we speaking about a TRINITY that is variously recognized in different traditions. SAGUNA BRAHMAN as Father (the Whole), Division (Logos) and Holy Spirit as the connectivity between the Many and the One (or between Divisions and Unity)?

In "Critical Realism Revisited" Wilber writes that Integral Theory has an extensive ontology also as involutionary "givens" (the Twenty Tenets, etc). However, I think that these ontological "givens" also are Metaphysical assumptions necessary for the integral model to hold. They are both 'things' andf Metaphysical epistemological 'assumptions' and thus, once again, talking about a "Post Metaphysical" model may lead to further confusions as when epistemology seemed to be privileged.

In my previous writings I mentioned that the relations between the realms (an underdeveloped element of Integral Theory) were given by three main types of reasoning or logics: Either-Or, Both-And and Neither-Or. When Wilber says that Epistemology and Ontology are "from the start" mutually "INTERACTIVE" "COMPLEMENTARY" and "COMPLEMENTARY" he coincides with my thinking about these three logics (as applied to the relation between epistemology and ontology) because "Interactive" means exteriorly related through well defined differences (either-or), mutually "Complementary" means related through mutually defined complements (both-and) and mutually "Enactive" means mutually interior to each other (thus need to be defined neither as exterior nor as complementary).

In other words, "HOLONS" are useful to ways of being (and associated realms) that range from well defined (like exterior dominant Physical objects), equally complementary subjective and objective Subtle Realm existence and Interior-Subjective dominant Causal Realm existence. All of these modes of epistemology-ontology simultaneously coexist in whatever mode of experiential realm we may be focusing on. Their existence can be actual in conscious experience or potential to conscious experience but all of them are always present. I think that this issue should be realized and discussed to expand Integral Theory.